This is what I observed today: In the checkout line at Kroger, I observed an expensively dressed family of 4 immediately in front of me. One child (probably middle school age) was glued to her new ipad 13 and bose headphones while the other child kept running back and forth adding more junk food to the conveyer belt. This family used food stamps (EBT) to pay a little north of $500 for two carts loaded with steaks, high end snack foods, junk food and sodas. While I don’t know this family’s situation, it was evidently NOT their first time paying this way.
There really needs to be some kind of accountability for these entitlement programs, and definitely an expiration date for benefits. I work a fulltime job and struggle to put food on the table - Bose headphones and Ipads are definitely NOT in my budget. Families that can afford these kinds of luxuries have no business buying groceries with MY tax dollars, while I’m counting pennies to purchase $30 worth of produce (which isn’t anywhere near as much food as it used to be)! This is not the first instance I’ve seen of this type of abuse; I could share dozens of stories from my time working in a grocery store. I understand that there are people who truly need these programs and would never begrudge food or housing to those who really are unable to provide for themselves, but the entire system needs to be overhauled in order to prevent the abuse and fraud that is so rampant!
This is SO true! Same goes for using EBT cards at convenience stores for junk foods (slushies, chips, candy bars). Most WORKING AMERICANS have to limit their purchases of these things. I understand that convenience stores might be the closest stores for some people, but the majority are not using their cards for regular grocery shopping at convenience stores.
WIC is another problem. These mothers are receiving WAY too much because they are giving the excess away. Why arevwe paying for that? I prefer WIC to EBT but it’s unrealistic to give 1 mom and a 1 baby multiple jars of peanut butter a month.
I fully disagree with this statement simply because, and you might not know this, you’re allowed to have an income and get food stamps. The government actually encourages you to still try to get an income with food stamps until you don’t need them.
You don’t know if the iPad and headphones were owned, borrowed, or handed down. If you wanted to right now, you can get a pair of Bose headphones for $49 and an iPad for $100.
As far as clothes go, this might be a shocker, but yes, you can dress very nicely for cheap. Ever heard of a garage sale, eBay, or Craigslist? Just because they get ebt doesn’t mean they should look like they’ve been living under a rock and conform to comfort and soothe your insecurities.
The real issues here are your personal problems, jealousy, insecurity, and pocket watching. It sounds like you should be fighting to raise wages, lower the cost of living, or get a better paying job, not policing poor people because you’re job isn’t paying you comfortably enough to live.
News flash, as a working 9-5 american, unless you’re one of these corrupt politicians, or a wildly successful business owner, we’re all struggling, some are more financially savvy and know what to prioritize and sacrifice, and others just know how to make the struggle look good, and it sounds like you don’t know either.
It used to be that you could not purchase junk food and alcohol with the WIC card. Sounds like that has changed.
I disagree with this because there are Americans that a truly disabled for life that they can not get any kind of job to support themselves let alone their families as well. There does need to be oversight to keep people that are able to work off of it or yes set time allowed
Time limit on ‘all’ govt assistance. Any new child after applying is disqualified. EBT is only for healthy food and for a very short time. Must: volunteer or attend a vocational trade school or provide a service giving back to the community. *there is something for everyone.
All govt assistance is for a limited time for a helping hand up. Should ANY crime charges apply: ALL benefits stop EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Should not matter what day of the month. EVERYTHING STOPS!!!