All government and non-government agencies’ related FOIA must be fulfilled within 30 days. There should be NO exceptions. Light redaction for identifying information, but no hiding behind investigations and sources/methods.
There are too many barriers for the government to hide behind and there is no transparency. We only find out years later a portion of the truth.
Too many documents and communications are labeled classified that should not be deemed as such.
JFK, Russian collusion, Seth Rich, Imran Awan, Covid are all prime examples of the government’s attempt to hide facts from the American people.
You shouldn’t NEED FOIA to read studies done by government agencies using taxpayer funds to conduct the study.
NO CLASSIFICATION or hiding of taxpayer funded government studies except for sensitive DOD type documents. Studies done by the FDA, EPA, CDC, NIH for example have ZERO reason to classify any study they did using taxpayer funding. All studies should be freely available to all Americans and the text fully searchable via the internet.
Too many times government agencies ignore or stonewall a FOIA request, requiring the requestor to resort to costly litigation to compel the agency to produce the information. Then the response will be excessively redacted, requiring yet more litigation. I would suggest requiring the head of an agency to reimburse a requesters costs when they successfully challenge an agencies non-response to a FOIA request. This reimbursement shall come from the individuals personal funds, and cannot be repaid by the government. The more they stonewall the bigger the check the agency head has to write.