Federal spending limited to % of GDP with annual true-up and mandatory refunds

Current federal spending is currently over 22% of GDP and is the primary cause of the destruction of our national economy and the ability of the federal government to zealously overreach its constitutional mandates.

The number 1 reason our federal government has unbridled growth is its:
Ability to tax citizens in increasingly obscene ways and rates.
Ability to spend tax receipts without hard upper limits.
Lack of personal accountability for failure to do your job.

While many worthy policies focus on the front end by limiting taxes the federal government can levy, this proposal focuses on the back end by limiting the total annual federal spending to ten percent of GDP which is enforced not by a balanced budget ammendment, which is regularly violated, but rather by:

  1. Mandatory tax refunds for any expenditures that exceeded the limit in the prior fiscal year.
  2. Mandatory resignations of the Speaker of the House, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and Chairman of the House Budget Committee should refunds not be distributed within 6 months of the end of the fiscal year.
  3. Mandatory reduction in federal employee payroll to pay for the refunds.
  4. Zero based budgeting.

Bravo Loyd, most of the blame should be placed on the House of Representatives that is Constitutionally tasked with the Power of the Purse. While they have an Oversight Committee, I believe that their definition of Oversight has something to do with sitting high enough above their lofty dais as to be able to view the subject of their current inquisition that will go nowhere except into the minutes and of course their ‘adoring’ audience.
Oversight should be composed of actually holding the various department heads accountable, on a monthly basis, to the expenditures of taxpayer’s dollars already provided to the department and how it was actually spent. If that accountability is satisfactory then the second part would be for the department head to request additional funding in person listing the amount, when it is needed and specifically what for.
The Power of the Purse comes with the ability to defund those departments who don’t believe they should be held accountable to Oversight and by extension the American People.


This is an awesome idea put some teeth and restrictions in it like America takes priority all the time.

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