Federal oversight of Child Protective Services

Each state has its own Child Protective Services agency. The communication and data sharing between states is lacking. If one state has history of abuse or neglect of a child and they move to a new state it is a long and complicated process to get the previous states information. Countless incidents of abuse of children could be prevented if there was a data entry system for child abusers. Similar to the sex offender registry each state has a registry. We can select disclosable or non disclosure option so that employer have access. A school for instance could check the system to see if they’re about to hire a child abuser. We don’t need a huge agency just a data system and maybe some oversight of the states as there is no uniformity in how each state functions and how they view federal policy. CPS gets a bad wrap for good reason. It is so poorly managed and the workers are overwhelmed with the lack of support from the communities. Every story written about CPS is negative. CPS does some great work that never gets highlighted or celebrated. The mismanagement of the budget is appalling at the state level and should also have some fiscal oversight.