Reclaim and Revise CPS

Get rid of all the bad people that run DHS, CPS, and the like. Reclaim the system, and create new standards with regards to child safety and protection. Right now CPS steals children to profit from them. Over 50% of the children that CPS takes in becomes damaged, missing, or trafficked. This needs to change! CPS went to victims of the hurricane and took their kids! How is that right? How can they just take someone’s children when that someone has done nothing wrong? This needs to change. Thorough investigations need to be held. People who are harming children, when they are supposed to be helping children, need to be locked up. #savethechildren #ourchildrenarenotforsale Liberty Election Reform & Political Integrity Economy Homeland Security

Steps to accomplish this would be the following:

  1. Investigations
  2. Firing and arresting offenders
  3. Hiring educated, good hearted, understanding individuals
  4. Redirecting focus with what actually harms children (I.e. beating, starving, drug abusing, drugs in their systems, etc.)
  5. Creating a proclamation that has to be obtained
  6. Creating search parties who are skilled trackers to find missing children