help boost food secuitry
reduce transportation
help with local jobs
more local trade systems
it makes us more self-reliant
the profits will also stay in the United States
you can teach farming for kids
Instead of state parks why not just farmland. Divide it between all the farming sectors and let the people run it. Raise animals for meat, veggies, wheat, orchards, vines etc. Or give the land back to the people and let us decide what we want to do with it. I personally think every county should only plant edible plants and trees. If the county is paying for landscaping it should be edible plants, fruit and nut trees with no pesticides. Also the state highways should be filled with butterfly and bee plants if center area is available. Along every state highway should be fruit and nut trees. Maybe even fruit vines. All with zero pesticides. The people who want gardens, orchards and vineyards already have them. Those that want and can have them. There should be better education about growing up for the city folks. Rooftop gardens in the city should be a thing and promoted by the building owners. Also, think about all the public spaces in the cities. Edible plants, produce bearing trees, spring summer fall and winter blooming plants for bees with zero pesticides.
How about stop paying farmers not to farm?
And the farmland should be owned by American farmers, not Bill Gates, not China, not corporations.
I already grow edibles on my tiny property but struggle with deer, critters, contaminations in the ground water, constant chemtrail spraying and weather manipulation. All of this needs to be addressed.
Fruits requires full sun. Neighbors should not be allowed to plant evergreens along the property line and allow them to grow so tall that their neighbors don’t have enough sun to grow fruits.
Family farming sounds very “down to earth”, no pun intended. But it simply is not practical given the costs involved in modern agriculture.
Where I grew up in northwestern Ohio, a section was a big farm. And very productive for a farm “family”, at least until it had to be split up between family members.
Out west in Colorado, where I spent about 18 years of my misbegotten life, a section might support one cow/calf unit! And land costs lots from place to place. Then equipment is becoming prohibitive for the family farm.
There is nothing inherently wrong with corporate farms (in fact I would bet a lot of “family farms” are incorporated).
If there are specific issues with corporate farming, then address them.
If the issue is rich guys owning land and not making them “productive” in our view? Good luck making someone farm their land. But, maybe we can stop paying other farmers NOT to farm? We can stop buying crops and either destroying them or storing them? There are a heck of a lot of people starving in america and elsewhere. I personnally do not understand why we would pay anyone NOT to farm or to destroy output.
I highly recommend RFD-TV for gaining a better understanding of world agriculture. It is fascinating when you get down into the nuts and bolts of the “business” of agriculture.