The urban sprawl is killing natural areas and wildlife habitat. We need to force states and counties to restructure zoning to include conservation spaces. This includes building smaller more affordable houses that use less land space. Communities could be restructured to include agrihoods, neighborhoods can be planned around community gardens. We need more houses, but we continue to build big houses and destroy local wild habitats. By building communities trategically placed to provide space for wildlife and including gardens instead of water wasting lawns. This will provide healthy food for communities as well as protecting our environment for future generations.
I agree with the premise, but I don’t want the federal government involved.
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I love this. As someone who is passionate about conservation and protecting our environment and its animals, this is so, so important! I think another aspect of this that could be looked into is the fact that so many buildings and homes are just left to ruin. Instead of tearing down natural areas to build, we could choose to go one of two ways with areas like this:
One would be to tear old and decrepit buildings down and rebuild on that land that has already been built upon. The other would be to tear them down and re-naturalize the area, giving more space for our wildlife to thrive.