Recommendation: U.S. Citizens that are currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Military, including U.S. Coast Guard, should be expedited through the concealed carry process.
Justification: U.S. citizens serving on active duty complete firearm’s training every annually. those that serve in combat positions will conduct firearm’s training more frequently. For example, the U.S. Army had updated its firearm’s qualification standards to be more combat-focused. Training topics include safety, bore sight, body position, breath control, trigger squeeze, ballistics, and windage training. Soldiers must hit 23 out of 40 targets to qualify (Note: 23-29 is marksman, 30-35 is sharpshooter, and 36-40 is expert. Additionally, active duty service members undergo background checks upon initial entry, as well periodic checks (every 5 years) if they hold a SECRET or higher security clearance.