Exempt single family, Primary Residence homes from property taxes.
Property taxes should only apply to for-profit properties and investments. This is easily justified as ultra-wealthy investors are clearly depriving private citizens and families of affordable housing and shelter is a basic human need. In respect to all things our government oversees, we are supposed to be prioritizing the needs of our people before the greed of the few. This would be a great first step in correcting our current, misguided tax policies.
Great idea. Especially because this would mean that private equity would have to pay.
Not completely sure how to do so on this site. Can this be merged with the other policies already submitted regarding no more property tax?
Property taxes are a scam period!! You shouldn’t have to pay taxes on something you paid taxes on when you made the purchase. I advocate for ending ALL property taxes PERIOD, whether its a primary residence or a vacation home!! Taxes came from the Marxists and Communists and were NEVER supposed to be implemented in America.
Only the corporations owning these properties and making money off of them should be paying taxes on them.
I’d even be open to the idea of exempting vacation homes - the target that should be taxed are the people looking to turn profits off of basic human needs at everyone else’s expense (e.g. landlords, flippers and investors in this case)
Home builders could even be exempt so long as they are building single family homes to be sold to single families.