I am a dog groomer and have been for the last 10 years. I have noticed that tons of the dogs i groom are loaded with lumps and bumps and crazy illnesses. I would say 80% by the age of 5 to 7 yrs old. The lympomas r always in the arm pits and groin and also all over the body. In illinois we require dogs and cats to have up to date rabies shots. They offer 1 year and 3 years shots. They never offer u to get a titters test and if u request one to check to see if the vaccines are still good, they r EXTREMELY expensive. We are over vaccinating our pets and i believe this is one of the main reasons our pets are getting all these illnesses so young. Also the pet food. Dry kibble has so many preservitives and chemicals. I have since started making my own dog food and the change of my dogs has been tremendous. When i have clients with dogs with skin issues, i always suggest to make food and the ones that do, cure their yeast and skin issues when the vets never help fix them bc its usually food related and most vets dont believe kibble is the issue. We need to reevaluate dog food, help people learn how to make their own and give them outlets to help them with this. Im tired of my pet clients dying or suffering from these things. Its heart breaking and unnecessary. I watched the documentary “pet fooled” and it explains why we even started feeding kibble and how it became big. But just like big pharma doesnt do anything to help prevent DIS EASE of the body, so does the pet industry. They want them sick like us so we have to pay thousands for them to get “temporary fixes” and then, every single time, the issue comes back. These pets are part of our familys and this is not ok to allow this to continue. I would literally quit my job immediately and dedicate the rest of career to helping and leading this movement to help these furbabies. Please consider this to be something millions of americans would be on board for. This is not a bipartisian issue either. We could come together, both sides, to help fix this corrupt industry. Thank u for ur time.
Hi! I totally agree! If we are going after big pharma for people, we might as well add on there for pets too.
Over vaccination is a huge problem for our pets when many of these shots are unnecessary, and some last a life time.
Titer testing is a safe an effective alternative to vaccination… I go yearly for Titer tests.
Agree. I also home cook for my dog. The allergies she would get from kibble was horrible. Her skin and licking so much better with homemade food. We need the govt to please clean up the dog food as well. They use parts of animals that have been euthanized in many foods along with many other cancer causing drugs. Please help us so our pets can live longer and suffer less. Thank you
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Definitely need to assess animal vaccinations. My dog was diagnosed with Cushings Disease which is caused by over vaccinating animals. I followed the veterinarian’s annual vaccination schedule. This suggestion needs to be included with vaccinations for people.
Great idea but how will the homeless feed and care for these pets? They can’t care for themselves