Merge Proposals on Ending the Federal Reserve

I propose that the following 5 policy proposals, about ending the Federal Reserve get merged:









All the policies mentioned above are in regards to the same issue/recommendation of ending the federal reserve and returning to a gold/silver standard


Agreed. Here’s a recent discussion on the topic by Ron Paul people might be interested in:


I agree these ought to be merged.


I agree. All measures must be used to rid our nation of these parasites.


We will always be slaves until we can end the charade of banks controlling our monetary policy with the fraudulent fractional reserve banking and creating money out of thin air…it’s Monopoly money . This is the single largest issue, we now have banks and families that have siphoned off trillions of dollars. No doubt financing deep black projects that we have no clue about, we’re probably light years ahead in technology and other advancements.

This is the monster that needs destroyed


There are several others that need to be merged with these but I cannot figure out how to add them to this
merge request.

Monetary policy is equally as important as lawmaking in creating a thriving society.

We need to:

  1. End fiat currency.

With the American dollar in decline, now is the time to return to a silver- or gold-backed dollar which cannot be inflated overnight. Modern monetary theory (MMT) is a worse blight upon our monetary policy than wokeism has been to our branches of government. When the Fed can quadruple the money supply overnight, it can single-handedly destroy the social contract of our country.

  1. Reform Fed governance.

Bring in radical transparency, accountability, and new checks and balances. We have checks and balances on congress (lawmaking), but we have no checks and balances on the Fed (monetary policy).

  1. Decentralize the Fed’s power.

Pass laws to ensure that we never have a Central Banked Digital Currency, never have a Digital Dollar, never have a Social Credit Score, and no longer have traceable transactions.

Let’s make our money great again!