End HOA abuses and overreach

HOA related policies addressing abuses, costs and overreach

I propose that the following #10 policy proposals, about HOA , get merged:











Explanation & Justification

In all of the proposals for Legislative action against HOA’s there is mention of cost, abuses and overreach. A single proposal could be made from all of the inputs.

REMOVE HOAS!! They’re unconstitutional!! No homeowner should be controlled and extorted in his own property!

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Did this Proposal get Merged??

Congress is the only body that has the Constitutional Power to make laws and they cannot delegate that power without a clear legislative mandate. Since executive agencies cannot set policies and rules without a “clear constitutional authorization” according to West Virginia v. EPA, 59 U.S. 697 (2022) and Loper bright Enterprises v Raimondo, 603 U.S. 369 (2024) (0verturned the Chevron Doctrine.), it would seem that HOAs would also fall under those restrictions. Especially, when they are taking property without due process of law. It would seem that HOAs ruling making “authority” would also be null and void.