HOA related policies addressing abuses, costs and overreach
I propose that the following #10 policy proposals, about HOA , get merged:
Joined November 7, 2024
Require all HOAs to do the following:
assign 1 vote per unit/house (not per person)
Allow voting for major decisions including fee increases, vehicle parking rules, how funds should be spent, sports equipment permitted on properties (all ideas would be chosen by the majority this way!)
Allow for review and counting of all votes upon request
If managed by management company they must resubmit bid for management contract every 5years against other bids and proposals and it must be approved by th…
Kristina Conrad
Joined November 7, 2024
No homeowner should face being foreclosed on by an HOA. If there are unpaid dues or fines then place a lien on a property. But no HOA should have the power to remove your home from you.
Brandy Barr
Joined October 11, 2024
Require all HOA citations to go to court or other legal entity. If getting a ticket from a police officer requires a hearing why can HOA get away with no hearings. Additionally, remove any allowance to take a persons property without all previous citations and fees being approved by a judge and a minimum amount of time between that hearing and when they can petition for a foreclosure. Add additional notifications to homeowners prior to any hearing. They must make contact with the owner for sever…
Joined October 10, 2024
Home Owners Associations are no good. Cutting regulations on where you live is paramount to personal liberty. Unspoken neighborly rules should be respected, but having a HOA is not necessary. They are a burden on individuals and on society. Less regulations, but with more personal responsibility. Everyone wants to live in peace and harmony, but HOA’s do not have to be the key to make it happen. If HOA’s are gone, basic respect for your neighbors would need to be adhered to. If you pay for your h…
Dominic Taylor
Joined November 12, 2024
Constitution Separation of Powers Renders HOA Administrative Procedure Unconstitutional.
Civilian residents have been known to stand up and be vocal about concerns involving HOA.
They have countless incidents of malpractice and constitutional violations.
Even under proper procedures, residents that file complaints have no power and even might not be allowed to speak at hearings.
Heavily Regulate and or dismantling of HOA is needed
Robert Duvall
Joined November 9, 2024
Do away with the Home owners Association. People buy houses to own them not to have people like those in the HOA micro managing what you do with your own lawn or with your own home. They have to many restrictions in communities with the HOA program. Some say you can’t have a USA Flag or, or your porch can’t be but a certain size. People are paying enough for their homes and don’t need the added cost or hassle of the HOA knocking on their front door or harassing them.
Joined November 8, 2024
Policy Proposal: Ban on Homeowners Associations (HOAs)
Objective: To abolish Homeowners Associations (HOAs) and return full property control to individual homeowners, reducing unnecessary regulation, fees, and disputes that infringe on personal property rights.
Key Points:
Restoring Property Rights: HOAs impose restrictive covenants that limit homeowners’ ability to freely use and enjoy their properties. This proposal aims to restore individual freedom over property use, allowing owners to …
Tammy Thompson
Joined November 10, 2024
Introduction: The purpose of this proposal is to address and mitigate the often restrictive covenants imposed by Homeowners Associations (HOAs) on property owners’ rights to cultivate home gardens and keep chickens. These activities contribute significantly to sustainability, food security, mental health, and community resilience. However, current HOA regulations can unnecessarily limit these beneficial practices.
Promote Sustainability: Encourage sustainable living practices by a…
Mrs Theise
Joined November 8, 2024
Removing homeowners’ associations (HOAs) could benefit communities by reducing fees, promoting individual property rights, and fostering greater community diversity. Here are some of the main potential upsides:
Lower Living Costs: HOAs typically charge fees for community upkeep and amenities, which can be a burden, especially for lower-income homeowners. Without an HOA, residents would save on these monthly or yearly dues.
Increased Property Freedom: HOAs often enforce strict rules about p…
Joined November 8, 2024
Restoring Property Rights: HOAs impose restrictive covenants that limit homeowners’ ability to freely use and enjoy their properties. This proposal aims to restore individual freedom over property use, allowing owners to make personal decisions without interference.
Elimination of Unnecessary Fees: HOAs often charge mandatory dues and fees that burden homeowners without providing sufficient value. Eliminating HOAs would free homeowners from these additional financial obligations.
Reduction of L…
Explanation & Justification
In all of the proposals for Legislative action against HOA’s there is mention of cost, abuses and overreach. A single proposal could be made from all of the inputs.
REMOVE HOAS!! They’re unconstitutional!! No homeowner should be controlled and extorted in his own property!
1 Like
(Dominic Taylor)
January 23, 2025, 1:26pm
Did this Proposal get Merged??
(Pamela Bennett)
January 26, 2025, 11:12pm
Congress is the only body that has the Constitutional Power to make laws and they cannot delegate that power without a clear legislative mandate. Since executive agencies cannot set policies and rules without a “clear constitutional authorization” according to West Virginia v. EPA , 59 U.S. 697 (2022) and Loper bright Enterprises v Raimondo , 603 U.S. 369 (2024) (0verturned the Chevron Doctrine.), it would seem that HOAs would also fall under those restrictions. Especially, when they are taking property without due process of law. It would seem that HOAs ruling making “authority” would also be null and void.