End free lifetime benefits for Congress and their families

Members of Congress should not receive congressional pension or lifetime health benefits for themselves (and their families) regardless of tenure. Members of Congress should have to save for retirement and feel the economic impacts of the laws they create just as their constituents do. Members of Congress should not have access to special benefits programs; they should have to access their healthcare through the same means and at the same prices as their constituencies do. These changes make even more sense in the context of term limits, which should also be applied.


Congress should not be able to exempt themselves from any laws they pass. Put them under social security (thus ensuring they will fix it!) and let them have the same healthcare programs as any other federal employee.


Congress should have a base pay across the board. They should not be able to vote themselves raises. There should be a merit system when they enrich their districts or communities they can earn bonuses. If not they stay at baseline pay which should be middle class baseline.


Perfect solution, I believe this would help congress to move on to other options than to staying in political careers. They need to save for their retirement the same way regular citizens do on their on dime with the government contributing 3% matching funds. Stop living above your constituents! You shouldn’t be immune to the policies you impose on citizens. [quote=“Julia_Rile, post:1, topic:2133, full:true”]
Members of Congress should not receive congressional pension or lifetime health benefits for themselves (and their families) regardless of tenure. Members of Congress should have to save for retirement and feel the economic impacts of the laws they create just as their constituents do. Members of Congress should not have access to special benefits programs; they should have to access their healthcare through the same means and at the same prices as their constituencies do. These changes make even more sense in the context of term limits, which should also be applied.


I’ve said this from the point I found out! I guarantee they would vote differently when they and their family are in the same boat as everyday citizens.


Apologies if this is repetitive, but Id say Congress should give up their healthcare, as they are (to my knowledge) exempt from obummercare. They passed that nightmare, they shouldn’t be exempt from it.
Side note: get rid of obummercare its :poop::poop:


Julia, Congress members do not get those kinds of benefits and have not since 1984 when they passed a federal law that puts them in the same pay system as all federal employees. They must serve at least 5 full years before they can even draw a pension. The contribute to their pension, they pay into social security, they and their children have to pay back student loans and members of Congress have the same healthcare options as you and I. They can buy their own plan, be on the spouse’s insurance or use the ACA exchange and they do not get “free” healthcare for life. They have to be at least 62 to draw pension or have been in Congress 20 years and are at least 50 or at any age they retire with 25 years in Congress. There is a formula that uses years in office and highest 3 years of pay and any leadership roles that determines the amount. The average tie in office for the house is 8.5 years and the senate is 11.2 with the average pension ranging from $18K to $40K per year. Congress is entitled now to an annual raise like anyone else that is less that 3% and they actually have to take a vote to accept their raise unlike the rest of the federal employees. The last time they took that raise was 15 years ago in 2009.

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They are not exempt from Obamacare.

I agree with this except for if they need security. They should keep their security because people are crazy.


If Obama care is good enough for the people, it is good enough for our representatives

Congress earns a very comfortable salary. I agree that they should not get special benefits, their salary increases should follow the social security minimal increases, and they should also have a standard number of days they are required to work. Why are they allowed to take ~30% of the year off for vacation. Average Americans only get 2-4 weeks vacation a year

They really don’t make an unreasonable amount of money on salary. I think there is more concern about junkets, rewards from lobbyists, and insider trading. Let’s address Those issues.

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Any retired citizen should receive the same benifits as congress…

put members of congress on social security and medicare when they turn 65 just as everyone else they should not be making what they do we the people set there pay

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