I’m not a father. I am a stepmother and also the mother of 2 adopted stepdaughters from a previous marriage. It’s not a deadbeat dad issue. You need to get over yourself because you have obviously never been in the situation some of us are in due to an alienating parent. When your own lawyer tells you to use the no contact order that is written in your custody order and enforce that due to the abuse the father is taking from the mother there’s a problem. In those cases such as ours I feel that if the mother wants to do it on her own then she doesn’t need child support. Want to do it on your own big girl then do it.
we need to increase visibility around the fact that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT gives $1 to the states for every $2 collected to support enforcement action. THIS IS UBER-WASTEFUL. Funding towards enforcement action MUST end! It makes no sense. If a child support order is so hard to enforce it’s because often the payer has very little to start with!!!
Child support is fraud. We need actual courts to determine who’s right or wrong before removing rights.
Are you sure only $6.4 billions? It’s a lot more. California alone spent $1.2B to ENFORCE, yet collected only $2.5 Billions. In essence taxpayers are funding HALF of all child support collected. CRAZY!
Yes and think its more. Not to mention the cost of taxpayers when they put parents in prison, jail to house, feed them. They also suspend drivers licenses. Has nothing to do with driving and then the parent cant get to work easily. Its ridiculous logic.
The US went from “land of the free” to “land of the free stuff”. No more paying taxes for other peoples bad choices in life. You want child support, its on you for choosing to have a kid just as much as your partner. Not taxpayers problem.
But that’s about to change.
Two of mine were adopted at 1 and 2 yrs old before our 3rd biological daughter. You know nothing except going on a wild rant in discussions
You’re not getting it. Of course they need to support their kids somehow but there has to be a better way. If I can add, first, parents mostly men, so fathers, are labeled deadbeats, secondly, they’re enslaved for the rest of their life. They threaten the men to court and drag it on humiliating them. They’re jailed for missing payments, they lose their drivers license, their wages are garnished, every person involved in the court case including the judge gets a cut, as well as outside sources that run advocacy for children, they can’t travel out of the states, meaning they cannot get a passport, their credit is ruined, and arrears if they’re not paid, same as above, all the way up until their death and after DEATH, their life insurance is taken, anything they own is taken away from their families, including their inheritance, any kind of property that they own will be taken. So this is debt slavery for the men of America and every family member should work this out somehow maybe with a lawyer before going through child support, it’s so corrupt and disgusting what they do to the men of America!