If you abolished child support fathers wouldn’t have to fight so hard to be in their child’s life. It’s not a fair deal. Make new laws on child custody.
If you did that, some of us that actually did raise them and NEVER got paid but once or twice wouldn’t have the extra funds for being a single parent. It is hard enough to be a single parent but the rules need to change where the parent cannot get paid under the table either to avoid paying child support.
More laws on child custody sounds like it will fall more in depth on legally not wanting to support the child in the rights of man, depending on why and how the child was born to begin with.some people have real court cases on why they were born to begin with . The money to help the child grow and live a stabeled life is understandable but if its a un happy or unhealthy home then whats the point
Try to remember how everyone’s situations vary. I see your perspective and your opinion is valid. However I do disagree. I feel this is too general of a statement and proposal and could hurt many families. Child support issues are very situational and personal to each broken family dynamic.
Why should the father be punished and have to pay and then have to pay and fight to see his kids? While the mother gets to collect a check and have the enjoyment of watching her child grow. While the father sets in depression and loses everything? How is that fair? How is it fair that if mother does not want to be a parent she can give the child up but if a father doesn’t he forced to? Not saying that it is right but I’m saying that the system is flawed beyond repair and needs to be abolished.
Not every situation is like this. My children are grown now and their Father is $70,000 in arrears. He chose not to pay. He worked under the table jobs while I supported our 3 children. The child support agency could have done far better. Not every woman is greedy.
It costs taxpayers billions to enforce others failed relationships and their children. How is it the responsibility of tax payers to pay for others poor choices in relationships? You end up divorced? Its both the responsibility of the parents. I love it how people think that they are owed something. If you married a bad guy and he runs…thats on you! America has become so entitled. Sick of this crap. Your not entitled to anything. And by the way the hypocrisy that women can in many states not only kill there babies when pregnant but even give up the child to the state forcing tax payers to pay for the childs upbringing. If child support exists, abortion should be banned. This whole idea that parents not paying support are avoiding responsibility, thats exactly what women do when the murder babies. Its a hypocrisy!
I Agree with Kevin. But what some of these mothers do not understand is that child support does not give them the full amount anyway.
Its unconstitutional as well. States profit from support and its in the States best interest to not only enforce but get as many signed up on support. Judges are supposed to be like a neutral 3rd party that are impartial. So they can not only uphold the constitutional rights but make fair judgements. But they dont do that with child support because they are working in the States best interest.
It also causes mental health issues in fathers. Equality In family court does not exist. It’s all one sided. I hope and I pray Trumps Team reads all of this and does something. If you are part of trumps team and you are reading this let us know.
Men and women should be required to pay for their children. If one party seeks child support it means they are not receiving financial funds from the co parent. If a child does not have two parents contributing financially then the government will use your taxes to provide. Are you dumb?
My suggestion is to have a mandatory child insurance policy. Like car insurance. Prior to birth the mother and father aquire a policy that is available to support that child for a variety of reasons. Each parent, and others if they want to help, contibute monthly or annually. Funds are distributed on an as needed basis. If no funds are needed on a monthly basis the fund grows. If parents divorce or a pass away, the fund becomes the child support option. Idk all the mitigating factors, but if the child support was run by an outside entity, and both parents contributed then it would be less of a point of contention.