End Child support

Child support is unconstitutional and destroys lives. There is the cost as well to taxpayers. Its NOT taxpayers jobs to fund Your failed relationships or your kids. 2023, the federal and state governments spent $6.4 billion on the Child Support Enforcement (CSE) program. End it. Force couples to be responsible and do a better job of choosing who you sleep with! If it is about responsibility, then the same standard should apply across the board equally with other family issues like abortion. Women use abortion to avoid responsibility. Sex has consequences and both men and women should know the risks. We know these are sensitive topics, people get upset. Well feelings dont and should not matter, they need set asside in making government decisions. We need fairness. Thats all that matters. If child support exists then abortion should not exist. (Unless its a medical endangerment issue obviously). If a women is pregnant and does not want the child, the father should have equal say, if no parent wants the child it goes to the state. But parents WILL pay child support. Not the taxpayer. This makes everyone responsible and accountable. Even in fostering cases, why do parents of kids in the foster system not paying child support? The tax payer shouldnt need to pay for any of this. Our founding fathers never intended for government overreach into families lives. Taxpayers shouldnt have to pay for children or to prison and jail parents. The federal child support office should be shut down. Most people do not know that all states participate in the child support program get Federally funded dollars kick backs. This is why its in every states, and counties best interest to participate and enforce child support. Unfortunately this is unconstitutional because thats like a bribe. If a father goes to court over child support, a judge is supposed to be in inpartial neutral party but they work in the states best interest. The states best interest is that money keeps coming in and they collect on the interest as well. Its a shame our country has ignored this for so long. Nobody knows or cares how many low income fathers have been prisoned, alienated financially out of their childrens lives. I had two suicide attempts, because I couldnt afford gas, traveling costs to see my kids. The suicide rate among divorced fathers is like 7x higher than women and nobody cares. How many more decades go by. Fathers destroyed, and in turn if your hurting the fathers, your hurting the children. Child support destroys lives and costs taxpayers.


Abandoning YOUR CHILDREN is evil the LEAST a man can do is help out the mother financially. Get a VASECTOMY at a clinic or be more responsible! Child support SAVES LIVES and is extremely important for single parents (women pay too). Why should everyone else have to clean up your mess?! PATHETIC DISGUSTING IDEA!!! A JOKE.

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if you the mother cannot take care of your kids, you are welcome to give custody to someone who can, like their dad. Makes sense?


You did not even read it. Can tell from your suggestion and response about responsibility which you know nothing about. Must be a libtard.


Another reason its unjust is the fact its about money. And people voting to get something. Our founding fathers did not design for votes to be bought. All these states and people out for a buck. Its disgusting. If a father makes 1200 a month as a para teacher and his wife cheats and divorces, the state and her have no right to take half your income. 50/50 custody. I couldnt even pay rent or feed myself. Buy my kids things like cloths. Thats parental alienation. Its more like 90/ 10 custody. Because guess what you get to do with your 50 half, work a 2nd job or go to jail. You might get to see your kids once in awhile. Meanwhile the knew husband is fulltime new dad. I barely got to see my kids due to work and money. Now its too late, the relationships were damaged. Im not the only father hurting. Anyone for child supports an evil person. Wicked. All the fathers that have died over years, there kids probably barely knew them. I went from taking my girls to their softball games like alot of dads to being pushed out of the picture. Its wrong.


I really REALLY hope you take a second to realize how stupid you are. REREAD WHAT HE SAID. Not once did he say ANYTHING about abandoning his kids.


Pay up! Nothing immoral about child support at all. Actions have consequences.


Tell that to women then. Not men. They should have consequences.

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I think you should sit down booboo before someone hurts your feelings here. You did not read the post in its entirety and your comment shows that. Something else your comment shows is your ignorance where the child custody and child support systems are concerned. You do understand there are viable reasons a father abandons his children correct? No with your comment you actually do not understand that. I hope you never have to deal with a parental alienation situation or try to get help from the sheriff’s department because you will be told exactly the same thing as we were … "You have to get a lawyer and take the mother back to court because its a civil matter. " Lawyers for that situation will cost approximately $10,000 starting out and you’re not guaranteed to win the case. Everyone around you says fight for your child but if you fight for the child you will be homeless after paying lawyers and court costs and still not win. Too many women use child support as something to hold over the man’s head for control. Child support needs to be done away with in its entirety. The family court system needs a complete overhaul.


Just because a mother or father is owed child support does not mean they are unfit parents. You are so NAIVE. MEN DO NOT WANT THEIR CHILDREN IDIOT! GO LEARN THE STATS ON HOW MANY MEN DO NOT GIVE A DAMN.

Wolfe is losing it like a liberal after the election…lol.

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I voted Trump/Vance. What about you; dead-beat dad?

I did read the entire pathetic post. Get over it dead-beat dads. You have to pay child support. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Raising a child is a consequence and EVERYONE knows what can happen if you have sex right Kevin Bailey?

As someone who was raised by a single mother who worked 2 jobs and still struggled to raise myself and my 2 siblings because my father decided if she was going to leave him instead of staying and enduring his abuse, then he would never make it any easier for her to be without him, I disagree with doing away with child support for the noncustodial parent. However, I understand your standing on the issue. Things need revised. In terms of the man having the choice to be the father of an ACCIDENTAL child AFTER TAKING ALL MEASURES TO AVIOD IT or Incarceration for unpaid child support. Usually if someone gets behind on child support, it could mean that they lost their job or had hours cut or an unexpected financial burden. So having them arrested or suspending their license does nothing but make things worse for them. And as far as parental alienation goes, I believe it should be defined as severe child abuse/neglect and should carry consequences. Also, I can see this may have hit a nerve with some but we are grown. No need to disrespect someone for having an opinion different from yours. He merely shared his concern, one which I’m sure others share.


No you did not read the post. Or your a moron. If its about responsibility then ban abortion.

You cant tell from the post who i voted for? You did not vote Trump. Child support is corrupt and Trumps ending it. Trump is cutting over 300 federal departments you whiny tit. Federal child support office should and will be one of them. Taxpayers shouldnt be funding and rewarding states. Thats called bribery. DOGE will sort it out. Restoring our constitution and going back to the way or founding fathers. You didnt see them creating any child support laws. Because its not the federal governments job and its unconstitutional.

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See you put MAGA in your name but your not for fixing things and for the constitution. Its not governments job or place to make sure you get child support. It also should not be on taxpayers to pay for the enforcement. Its not free. Why should taxpayers pay for irresponsible parents including moms who just want to live off child support. Im a case worker. I know one mom who collects child support from 3 different dads, sits on her butt at home. Claiming she cant work per mental health. Who are you to claim fathers dont care? I was a father taking my girls to softball games and activities. It was not my choice that came to an end. That was their cheating mother and the courts. I was pushed out financially. You know NOTHING.

Trump. See people are done with wasteful spending and enforcing child support and jailing fathers even the dead beat ones, its not citizens job to fund this. It costs billions, did you think it was free cost snowflake? Im not a dead beat father, you didnt read it obviously. I doubt your even Maga. Men and women choose to have sex. Stop maki g taxpayers pay for your failed relationships. Choose better men then if they cut and ran. Putting YOUR problems on the taxpayer. Or keep your legs closed. Problem solved.

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2023, the federal government and states spent $6.4 billion on the Child Support Enforcement (CSE) program…why should tax payers pay for other peoples failed relationships or screwing. They shouldnt

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