Encourage states to hang pedophiles

The death penalty should only be for the most egregious of behaviors.

I propose that the states be encouraged to - when it is provable beyond a doubt (DNA, rape kits, video evidence etc.) - publicly hang pedophiles who have engaged in sex with young children.

Crimes against young children need to be:

  1. A 0-strike policy. “One and you’re done.”
  2. Fear-inducing - would-be offenders should be terrified to engage in this behavior before they do so, preventatively.
    Ergo, states should be encouraged to take this approach.

This will save taxpayers on prison time and more costly forms of capital punishment as well as attempts to rehabilitate (which is all but proven as impossible for sexual predators).

In closing - grim, but a grim crime deserves swift and equally grim punishment.


Can you write one called strip pedophile’s of all parental rights! This is something a lot of parents deal with unfortunately, idk how to make a post.