Eliminate the Department of Education

Not forgetting teacher unions 90% of their participation engage is radical far left activism it needs to be annihilated .provate education needs to be supported now more henceforth

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Please be mindful in considering the protections the DOE has in place to provide funding for my son, who is on the autism spectrum and relies on an IEP. There has to be federal programs in place that require states to allocate enough funding to disabled and intellectually challenged student’s education. I believe federal overstep of the DOE should be reformed but lets not demonize an entire department.


That’s the fear speaking. It’s hard to break an addiction to federal funds. While states may have started these programs because of federal funds, they will learn to do them even better. Obviously, the parents care the most, but the closer we get to local control and local funding, the better. It will require a transition phase to detox from the addiction.

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Respectfully, you cannot speak on what emotion or lived experience would bring a parent of a disabled child to their own opinion on the matter and I challenge you to respond to others in a way that doesn’t diminish the nuance in a situation that is not so black and white. There have to be protections in place for disabled children, regardless of how these programs are funded. I’m suggesting that if the DOE were to be dismantled, there should be federal legislation that requires a reasonable percentage of state education funding must be reserved for disabled children. If you don’t understand this, spend time speaking to parents of disabled children who often are forced to rely heavily on teams of special education teachers and therapists because home education or private education is no longer an option. Leave this open to debate and I assure you, we will see our children are not prioritized the same way.


Thank you, Jared, for sharing the post. It brings truth and understanding instead of hearsay. My question: If Donald Trump is saying he wants homeschool parents to receive money to educate their children as they see fit, why would he target the Apache people? Not to be disrespectful, but I read nothing but fear and manipulation in that post. Going further, receiving “federal benefits” allows the top layers, as good as they may appear, to mismanage and manipulate funding as they see fit, unless they allow access to the “books.” As a former teacher of almost 25 years, I observed the manipulation and scare tactics that were passed down through the bureaucratic method; once you bow down to the so-called government funding. I can’t guarantee any outcome, but DJT is a man of honor and his comment “promises made - promises kept” as he continues to drain the fraud and the corruption from our country will be eventually seen. God bless!

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Yes! Get rid of the standardized testing! This alone will free up huge amounts of money in every ISD to hire more teachers and reduce class sizes.

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Help me understand as a math teacher in South East Texas how will removing the Department of Education affect my job? What would the plan in my state be, or what is proposed? As a teacher I’m concerned about my job. As a parent I see some pro’s and con’s for my children’s education going forward. The system is clearly broken, my opinion is that this path isn’t working. Something drastically needed to change. What will this change look like?

It is time to move the responsibility of education back to the states.

I agree with you that our Education system needs to be changed. We need to put back into our schools the curriculum that will help our kids move forward in their lives. We have not done a good job educating our kids in the life skills and proper classes for the to have the knowledge to succeed in life. I think removing the Board of Education and cleaning out our schools is something we need to focus on right away. Give our kids a chance to make a better live for them after the graduate from school.

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I just heard Trump announce this. YAY!!! We didn’t have it pre 1983! It was State run, but really, all the power was with the County and the cities that belonged to that county. Parents were so involved, because their voices were heard! 100 percent for this!

Our national school system , public and private, was derived from the Prussian school system, introduced to America by Horace Mann in the early part of the 19th century.

Type “Prussian school system” into your preferred search engine, and read up on it. Search also “John Taylor Gatto prussian school system.”

While you’re at it, remove all CRT curriculum from public schools.

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The department of education is a bloated money suck for the United States. Most of the funds are not used to directly support student learning.

I want to know how to apply to be a part of the team the ends the bloated department of education.

If you get rid of the dept of education then we need protective laws federally so that religion stays out of public schools and so that special needs children get the support they need to thrive. Right now if you leave it to the states, states like mine would make my Jewish children learn about Jesus, infringing on our rights, AND take away necessary services for their autism and the support they need. Private schools would then have the ability to say no to my children because of those needs. So there needs to be some federal protections to see the many people like us who are not Christian and who are disabled or require those special needs services.

Give responsibility of an education back to parents, support system for parents who don’t feel equipped to carry that responsibility out properly.

Have not read thru all the comments yet. But the main premise is ‘Eliminate the Dept of Educ’. The education system has been taken over by globalists for many years. See Charlotte Iserbyt’s book ‘The deliberate dumbing down of America’. With Obama as president, he forced all public schools to utilize his Common Core, CRT, etc. By just eliminating the Dept of Education , we are still stuck with the current globalist curriculum. And aren’t most school board trustees Democrat or Rinos? and ‘School Choice’? moving your kids from one globalist school to another? geez.

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No, the current IDEA units move back to HHS & DOJ, where they were prior to the DoEd.

This is what every prior Eliminate the DoEd proposal suggested.

Nothing changes for the programs that existed prior to the DoEd except the buildings they work in.


Good to know. Thank you.

Agree that something has to be done because DOEdu is enabling indoctrination of the worst kind, but it needs to be part and parcel with property tax reform otherwise many states will just make up any funding shortfall on property owners which the burden is already quite onerous. And we need to have property owners to have a healthy participatory society that care about the place they live.