Eliminate the Department of Education

Exactly where do I find that alleged quote? For years I have seen people cite comments they attribute to Trump, only to discover he never said any such thing, or it was carved out of context and distorted to a degree that the original meaning was irradicated. It would be helpful if unfounded gossip was eliminated from the political discourse in America.


Send it to the states!

Education policies should be given back to the states.

I agree. My fiance is a teacher and it’s awful to hear about how the schools are these days. The states and mainly the local goverment should run the schools. We need to get big gov out of everywhere they dont belong.

This is not true. I think you will find he is very much in favor of the freedom to choose how the education is run at the local level. Teach you language to your people, Keep your culture strong.

If it’s not part of the enumerated powers of the constitution, get rid of it.


You could click the link and read for yourself. Or I could tell you it’s from his brother in reference to his nephew contained in a book about what a horrible human being Trump is.

But you’re right, his family probably doesn’t really know him and has some vendetta against him. Maybe for this ?

In December 1990, Donald Trump sought to amend his father’s will, which according to Fred’s daughter Maryanne Trump Barry, “was basically taking the whole estate and giving it to Donald”, allowing him to “sell, do anything he wants … with the properties”

I was a public school teacher in Texas and Florida. The amount of paperwork and meetings at the high school level was absolutely ridiculous. A high school teacher sees over 130 kids in two days (block schedule). How many papers to grade. Add comments. Hours of paperwork on top of calling parents, sporting events, tutoring, and professional development. The problem was created when teacher assistant (paraprofessional positions) jobs were cut due to “the lack” of grant funding.

I agree with everything everyone else is stating. The parental rights is the forefront of every issue when it comes to education of their children.

As far as funding homeschoolers, you will find that many homeschoolers want 0 money from any government entity because generally, money=“accountability.” Homeschooling parents also generally believe its not the government’s responsibility to decide if we, as parents, are doing a “good enough” job educating our children. And that’s what accountability is all about. So you want to federally fund homeschoolers, thank you, but make absolutely sure there’s no loopholes or requirements for parents to register or report.

Or maybe even better, just exempt self reporting homeschoolers from public school taxes. Although even then, they are reporting, and should the government turn on homeschoolers, like Germany has, now their names are on a list somewhere :thinking:

Or maybe homeschool parents should just find free ways to educate their kids, because there is an overabundance of free resources available…it is absolutely possible to homeschool in this day and age for free.

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Absolutely. Nothing from the federal level with regard to education has actually improved education. We are far worse off today which is why people are leaving public schools in record numbers.

Get propaganda out of schools. End teaching to the test. End vaccine mandates for entry into schools. Slash the overhead and bureaucracy and let teachers teach and be experts in their fields.


This is a great summary!

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The programs would need to be structured state by state imho. It would need a transition process’s to help states learn how to do it themselves again.

I would be okay with this as long as there was a guarantee that the state wouldn’t cut funding for special education. Both of my children are on the autism spectrum and if they couldn’t have ieps in school, I don’t know what I would do, they help them so much.


It would definitely be a state-by-state discussion and a transition plan would be needed to allow time for states to adjust to the new reality.

The centralized system is not working. I work creating independent STEM and CTE curriculum to help kids get from curiosity to career. We go to schools and teachers and students are unanimously excited about our materials but when they take it to their admin they say they do not have money for such things. It is ridiculous. A teacher is doing a carwash fundraiser to pay for it. The main reason central systems were advocated for in the first place was to ensure standards and to support the success of students with federal funds, but now enforced standards have nothing to do with student success but indoctrination of whatever political ideology is in control at the federal level. We are gonna make it work but it frustrating having to fight a system to do something I thought it was supposed to be doing already.

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It’s the same story. Over and over. It’s so sad and discouraging.

The Department of Education is a money drain, a tool of indoctrination and it is used to make our students ignorant! They implement new curriculum that’s sole purpose is to insure that our students are “dumbed” down instead of encouraged to rise up.


To my understanding the federal funding for education on native land comes from the Department of Interior not the Department of Education.

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Families in our community have been struggling with Department of Education policies. One policy for example is priority is given to non-English speaking children within the Twin Rivers Unified School District. School program sign-ups should be first come first serve. Language should not be a deciding factor. The policy that allows this discrimination needs to be removed.

Tribal land is under federal jurisdiction. On paper, states really have no authority on or obligations to tribal land.