Dual Citizens cannot be elected to higher office

Higher office is reserved for American citizens with no dual-loyalty conflicts of interest.

An additional clause should include that only Americans born in America, with both parents being born in America, are eligible for the presidency. If not, then both parents must have been American citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth.

In an authentic democracy or democratic republic, “anchor babies,” as they are colloquially known, cannot be eligible to run for the presidency; as articulated by Aristotle in Politics (Book 3). The US is no longer a young republic, it is a republic with a people that have ancestral ties to the land, and qualifications must always be measured with loyalty to the historic people of a country. The US is not the world’s government, it is an American government, and democracy is incompatible with a system that rejects its own demos.

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Why do members of congress and the senate all have dual citizenships to a particular State in the Middle East, who’s leader has come and spoken to the house many, many times…? All of these senators and congressmen/women should lose their seats and pay the American Citizens back!

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Agreed. It is a total subversion of all democratic and republican principles to allow that level of treason to occur at the representational level. In fact, it calls into question the very notion of whether or not Americans (the vast majority of whom have no dual-citizenships) are democratically represented.

In reference to the works of Plato and Aristotle—which articulate authentic democracy and representational republic—democracy is incompatible with such dual-loyalties. Democracy is also incompatible with the notion that individuals with weak ancestral ties to the county (such as “anchor babies”) are able to represent it.

We need real democracy back. Authentic representation for the American people now! America is a country for and by Americans, and Americans have been here for centuries.