Anchor Babies Are Ineligible For Higher Office

Election to the presidency, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. Supreme Court is reserved for Americans born in America to two American citizens who were also born in America.

This Is Based In Natural Law
It’s time to get back to authentic republicanism and democracy. This law is consistent with the literature of classical republicanism and classical democracy, as expressed by both Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. They observed that only 3rd generation citizens of a true democracy or republic are able to fully identify with and be considered members of the demos/people/publius. Because republics are representational, representatives must have a stronger civil connection and intrinsic loyalty than is required for general naturalization (this indeed relates to how George Washington, like many of the founders, was a third generation American). This requirement goes back to natural law. Countries that do not care for this natural law (or exclusively rely on unelected bureaucracies to determine nationality) are empires that invariably fragment and implode; at least partly because the sense of nationality is sufficiently inorganic and contrived. Such imperial models are not consistent with authentic republics or democracies, and the notion that naturalization (by a bureaucratic process of unelected representatives) alone creates nationality is not a democratic or republican principle; it’s an imperial one.

This law would not go as far as 3 generations (as recommended by Aristotle), but it would at least ensure that the “anchor baby” phenomenon (as it is colloquially known) is duly recognized as incompatible with authentic republicanism and representational democracy at the level of higher office.

America Is A Nation
America is no longer a country of individuals that spontaneously arrive; nor was it so as early as 1776: it’s now the oldest republic on earth, who’s institutions, mores, customs, legal adherence, and values are multi-generational endeavors. The higher office of this land is a privilege, not a right, and it is undeniably the culmination of such multi-generational endeavor. This office must be re-reconciled with the principles of authentic democracy and republicanism, and made consistent with natural law again.

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Like it or not they are full citizens unless laws change. This creates tiers of citizenship. Totally un American!

If we go down such a path, how long before more of us are in the lower tiers–or castes if you want to call it that?

It’s already the law that naturalized citizens are not eligible for the presidency. The reason for this likely goes back to Aristotle. Historically, anchor babies before 1898 were never considered eligible for the presidency because being born in America didn’t mean you were necessarily subject to American law until Supreme Court precedent was set for that in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898).

Before 1898, anchor babies were ineligible for the presidency. It’s unclear that the post-1898 ruling is done in the spirit of authentic democracy, and authentic democracies in history never allow anchor babies to hold the highest offices.

Obviously the law should change so that it is more democratic; and democracy means that higher office is retained exclusively for Americans with stronger civil interest than naturalized citizens. This is a complex topic and I don’t expect everyone to understand it, but in an authentic democracy or republic, higher offices are off limits to people who just show up to be naturalized. Aristotle has a long historical treatise on this. It doesn’t mean naturalized citizens aren’t citizens, but they clearly are not Americans in the deeper democratic sense.

I’ve yet to read any compelling case whatsoever that explains why higher office shouldn’t exclude anchor babies (who, again, were not considered citizens anyway prior to 1898—and that Supreme Court decision remains controversial).

3 Generations IS most logical. Citixenship is tied to love of the land and loyalty to the land NOT just saying the word.

A person born in the land to parents born abroad are NOT as single minded as people born 3rd generation or MORE.

This is a fact in ANY country.

Dual citizens should NOT vote either. They are saying to the fellow Americans they COUNT MORE than the single citizen.

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Three generations is the most morally consistent with an authentic democracy/republic, but it’s less enforceable than making sure one’s parents at least are American. The least we can ask for is that anchor babies are not eligible for the presidency; which they were not, prior to U.S. vs. Wong Kim Ark (1898).

There seems to be some confusion about whether this means naturalized citizens aren’t citizens. Yes, they are citizens. But they need to understand that naturalizations isn’t proof of permanent common interest with and attachment to the American people. Voting is a right of citizenship, but serving in higher office is not a right, it is a privilege for Americans with demonstrated attachment and permanent common interest with America.

I have long ago discovered that most people who support democracy in rhetoric, don’t support it in actuality, and genuine democracies in practice do not give unique or identical privileges to naturalized citizens. This is not “two tiers” of citizenship—it’s how real governments for, by, and of the People work. The People are not a transient, replaceable consumer class, contrary to what revisionists believe.

Just to make this clear, there already are two tiers of citizenship. Anchor babies are not American in the sense they do not demonstrate permanent common attachment to or common interest with Americans. They already are a separate category, and were banned from citizenship prior to 1898.

It’s the duty of the law in a true democracy to ensure that they cannot hold higher office.