Discussion Topic: Respect Teachers Again

As I read through the education polices, I can’t help but notice the high expectations these policies would set for teachers and the high level of expertise that would be required to deliver an education that lives up to these policies.

On the other end of the scale, I see policies and comments that show nothing but disdain and mistrust for the teachers that so much would be expected from.

There is a persistent teacher shortage in the US. Education and training for teachers in the US does not compare with the best of our counterparts around the world. While this does not apply to all, as a profession, a high percentage of teachers are burned out and dissatisfied. Teachers do not receive the same level of respect and consideration as in past generations from students, parents, guardians or society as a whole.

What policies, standards, education and incentives would be needed to produce the quantity of teachers required with the will and the expertise to deliver the education these polices expect?

What societal changes would have to take place to ensure teachers are respected again?

Without teachers, these policies may as well be flushed down a toilet.

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