Increase Teacher Pay

Teachers are underpaid and as front line workers take a lot of heat and stress. Many school district administrators are overzealous and are themselves failed teachers. There is a strong consensus that teachers are underpaid and deserve more. Several programs are in place to support teachers, but many school distdicts keep the funding and it does not make it to teachers’ pockets. Yet, teacher salaries are determined by large bureaucracies and underfunded districts. I can provide more detailed solutions if I can see the financial data surrounding school district financing and salaries for school district employees.


I would also argue for eliminating income tax on all teachers. We make a lower salary and an elimination of income tax would at least help us bring home more of our much needed salaries.


I get so tired of hearing how teacher are hero’s yet we don’t make enough to live on. If teachers supposedly have one of the most important jobs in our county, why isn’t that reflected in our pay? I am a special education teacher, and while I absolutely love my job, I also have to have a side hustle to make ends meet. I can’t afford the medical insurance to cover my family, as the benefits package offered barely covers myself. Something has to change!


Attract highly educated educators

And smaller class sizes! That’s been known for decades.

There are many detractors to teacher pay. Teachers start at $50-60k. Not $85k. It takes about 7-10 years to get to $85k in most states. In some states, bus drivers and poop cleaners are making 6 figures. Teachers can barely afford houses. How dk you expect to grow an intelligent future generation if teaching is an underpaid profession full of ideological zealots? I am a teacher and I can tell you that not only is the system designed to supress teacher pay, but it is also designed so that teachers are not encouraged to improve their teaching skills. We are underpaid and we do not have time or money to upskill, save, invest or do anything we actually want to do. Over the summers, which are great, teachers have to work continuously as well. It’s 8 weeks and typically most teachers must work to get by. I have taught for 13+ years and I don’t make enough to afford to have children, or even to fix my house, which is in disrepair. I can’t afford to pay my student loans and barely enough to pay down debt. I don’t make enough to save any real sums of money. Meanwhile, other professions get yearly bonuses. Teachers don’t get any bonuses


Teachers have one of the most IMPORTANT jobs in America. WHY aren’t teachers rewarded with better pay?!! This should impact BOTH private and public school teachers. Teachers in ALL school systems should be receiving a higher pay for teaching the next generation.