Work to pass a bill or amendment that outlaws interference with onsite construction, use of construction when complete, supply drops or runs, food distribution, infrastructure restoration, and other immediate needs post disaster recovery efforts by private individuals and nonprofits by government for five years. Ex: Tiny houses immune from local ordinance for a time post disaster long enough for people to actually rebuild. Ex: Roads like the one built by WV coal miners to link two towns post Hurricane Helene immune to FEMA or similar interference post construction.
Ban the purchase of PRIVATE residential land (at the time of the disaster) by government or corporations post disaster for five years to prevent government and corporate land grabs when people are at their lowest.
Ban FEMA and other government agencies from offering loans post disaster to private individual for personal/family recovery, require monies given to be grants only.
Ban FEMA and other government agencies from considering gofundme and similar efforts in considering grants for those affected by natural disasters. Require money given to businesses to be loans only. Small business loans give a 10 year repayment plan beginning 2 years post disaster. Corporate loans & large business loans be on a five year repayment plane beginning 1 year post disaster.
Require matching funding to go to FEMA for any foreign disaster relief funds authorized by the Senate - for example 300 million to Ukraine then FEMA also gets 300 million.
Restrict FEMA to United States and territories NATURAL disasters only. Any other disasters should be directed to the appropriate government agency. Example, Covid health emergency should have been overseen by the Dept of Health and Human Services. Immigration emergency should have been overseen by the Dept of US Citizenship and Immigration Services only. Not FEMA.
Rename FEMA to Federal Natural Disaster Emergency Assistance to reinforce the new directive. FNDEA wont roll off the tongue but it would help solidify its role. Less managerial more actual help.
Define Natural Disaster as any disaster created by nature, for example forest fire, tornado, oil slick coming from the earth’s crust, regardless of what started the natural phenomenon such as a man made campfire or climate change, or a blown pipe on an oil well. If it, during the disaster, came from nature it is a Natural Disaster. Exclude clear man made disasters such as, but not limited to, a continuous influx of illegal immigrants or a boat scrapping aground and releasing the oil in its hull. If it, during the disaster, came from a man made object or is currently coming from man, it in not a Natural Disaster.