Currently, I’m in the state of Washington and if you want your record expunged, but you have a DUI after your other convictions, you cannot expunge anything prior to your DUI. I’m not sure if this rule applies nationwide, I assume it does.
I understand about the necessity of keeping the DUI on a criminal record. But what I don’t agree with is not being able to expunge anything prior to the DUI itself. Which locks people into their past and makes finding jobs very difficult.
I feel there is certain things that are on a person’s record that should not be able to be expunged such as DUI, sexual assault crimes, Murder, Theft, And arson.
I do not see the reason why having a DUI locks someone’s record from being able to be expunged anything prior but, unfortunately this is the case.
5-7 years without convictions should be a reasonable time for someone to prove they are done with their past.
Locking someone into their past for something such as a DUI deters them from bettering their future.