Get rid of common core

It is crucial that we eliminate Common Core education and grant states the autonomy to shape their own curricula. This approach ensures that education is tailored to the unique needs of each community, allowing for greater flexibility and relevance in what is taught in our schools.


Agreed. The People should be free to choose what they do and do not want in their schools for curriculum and be ensures through free, open and in-person audit that those things are being taught. If not, those refusing to teach it or inhibiting the teaching should be removed from the school system and barred permanently from taking another position in any other school district.

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Common Core math especially is a hinderance on a child. The sheer amount of school aged kids that I have encountered that cannot do simple math because they were not taught how to add and subtract logically is astonishing. The human race as a whole should be ever evolving in their intelligence but the education system sets our children up for failure from the start. And parents simply do not have the time to teach them logically because we are breaking our backs so that we can afford to live.

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There is a core knowledge each child and individual should have ,and a certain lever they should achieve in school in order to be at the level of the society and to promote each individual aptitudes and talents.