Conduct unbiased studies on red meat, specially grass fed/finished red meat

There is a lot of misinformation about red meat. So much so that a huge percentage of people think it is unhealthy or causes disease. I too fell for that propaganda, until I got very sick, and tried an all red meat high fat ketogenic diet. It cured my “incurable “ diseases doctors said I was stuck for life with. It changed my life in so many other ways too. Hong kong ranks the highest in longevity and they eat over 1lb of meat a day in average. Millions are now thriving and reversing an incredible amount of diseases eating a ruminant heavy diet without medicine.

This needs to be investigated. At the very least, a diet like this could be used as treatment for a plethora of diseases, specially autoimmune ones that often have no cure, as well as a lot of the diseases ketogenic diets seem to help with like so many of the common mental disorders, including autism and dementia. Most current red meat research is flawed and everyday we get more anecdotes of people finding relief for all kinds of diseases.

To add, the US beef grading system revolves around grain fed cows, sick cows. It is not only lower in nutrients, but it makes cows more vulnerable to sickness and they need supplementation. It also raises their omega 6 content and lowers their omega 3 content. We need to start to be more aware of what type of meat is healthier and that it is not all created equal. Prime beef means the cow was likely sicker than select because of all the unnatural marbling.


I actually agree with this but i feel there needs to be a comparison study. I do not feel the meat on our shelves is healthy due to how the animal is grown, so definitely should be grassfed only study. Compare this to current practices on livestock, then a 3rd group raised on the new clean future proposed practices.
I say this only because yes grassfed is good, but many finish them off at end with corn. Also because FDA does NOT properly adhere to label laws in regards to grassfed beef. Currently i believe a person can slap grasssfed if it has only been like 1% grassfed or some such nonsense.
I would be very interested in seeing this carried out.