Close the border, death penalty for major crime, list drug cartel as terrorist and fix election laws and machines

We need to close the border until we get the wall built, port of entry secure enough to not let illegals, drugs or terrorist in.

Death penalty for anyone selling drugs or sex trafficking

1st offense drug use or dwi mandatory 6 months in jail
2nd offensive drug use or dwi mandatory 2 year in jail
If we had stronger laws and consequences people would think twice about breaking the law

National guard should be deployed automatically to any location where there is riots. Arrest anyone causing destruction or body harm and enforcing everyone to leave regardless if governor or other authority officials disapprove.

Drug cartel listed as terrorist and United States military be deployed immediately to the border and Mexico to dismantle their organization as soon as President Trump takes office.

Pass laws that all states must provide proof of citizenship and identity to vote.
Have machines rebuilt and tested for voter integrity. No votes accepted after 8pm on election night.

National guard at or police presence at each polling center to ensure the safety of counters and that each side republican and democrat are able to watch the counting to ensure no cheating.

2 - 4 year term for congress members, same as a president

Ban Self-proclaimed Amendment auditor from filming in public buildings where private information is shared or public wishes to not be filmed. Banning those who are basically out to bait police officers just to aggravate, take them away from their duties in hope of causing them to make a mistake only to sue them.

Remove porn sites

Remove music that speaks of committing crimes …drugs use ,killing, illegal weapons, fighting…etc

Put 10 commandments, bibles back in schools, court rooms and any type of jail or prison facility.

High school drop out must enlist in military and get their GED

ban video taping of anyone disabled, harrasing or any other offense against disable or elderly have mandatory 6 months in jail.

Raise alcohol and tobacco buying or using to age 25

Drug test to get license to fish or hunt, where I am from most of the people that fish and shrimp for a living are either drug users or sellers, they stay on water, away from public and never get tested. They deal more drugs on water than on land because there is less officers on water or regular citizens to see what they are doing and turn it in

Police should be fully funded to carry out their duties, even in small towns, there should be at least 3 patrol deputies for each town, where I am from there is usually 1 and it takes time for back up to arrive and its hard for one deputy to watch the whole town for crimes, there should be one undercover officer for each town also.

There should be random times during the year for outside agencies to come into towns or cities to work high drug traffic areas and other crimes undercover. It doesn’t take long for the locals to catch on to regular deputies or undercover from home town, there needs to be outsiders that nobody knows come in and help the local authorities clean up the crime.

There should be tip lines either by phone or email to report crimes and only the sheriff, chief of police, FBI or any other top agency can only see the tip. All tips are anonymous. Dispatchers, patrol deputies and others of lower rank are not allowed to see who turned into tip and phone numbers and emails cant be traced or recorded.

bars and night clubs should have police presence, on or off duty to prevent crime

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:us::heart::us:Stop ALL Immigration Into America Until ALL Of The INVADERS Are Deported. INVASION ALLOWS LETHAL FORCE BY THE MILITARY AT THE BORDER. If Martial Law Is Declared, Lethal Force Is Allowed In The Interior. Once America Has Removed All Of The Invaders. Changes MUST Be Made To Our Immigration Laws. Jobs In A Erica Should Be Filled By Americans. GOD Bless America​:us::heart::us: