The House of Representatives need term limits and their family should not be allowed to do insider trading on stocks they are aware of.
All political parties other than the President of the United States should not be given a pension and live off of the citizens for the rest of their lives.
No candidates can take money from lobbyists of any sort, it’s called bribery. Bills that allow businesses that are poisoning or poison our citizens at any time should be abolished. The owners and share holders should be held accountable as well. If you are getting rich from people dying you can go to jail as well.
Candidates running for office should not have to spend millions or billions of dollar to run for office. That money could be spent elsewhere in The United States of America.
Immigration should stop for 10 years to take care of the American people. You can’t let illegal immigrants into the United States of America to win elections, it’s called treason.
All illegal immigrants that came into this country including dreamers must be taken back to their countries.
Stop giving foreign aid to other countries until our people are taken care of first. Put the American people first
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