Deport and Build a wall

Deport everyone that crossed illigally immediately. Do not let them ever come back, nkt even legally. They must pay the price for foming illegally. Make all apply for citizenship legaly, who want to come and give No free hand outs, they must come with something to offer. All applicants must be an asset to our country. Scrutinize all asylum seekers. If they lie they can never apply again.
Build a wall on our southern and northern boarders. Deploy robo dogs.
Make the language of Untied States of America English and each applicant should speak English fluently.
Dreamers should be sent back to apply along with their criminal parents and family memebrs or join and serve 4 years in the military, effective immediately.
No more gays in the military, they’re creepy to live with or sleep around, its best for mission readiness.
Reevaluated our currency under gold backed dollars. Allow other countries to trade their resources for gold to back their currency. Make the world wealthy.


I agree with many of these stances