Citizenship through Serving in US Military

Allow illegal immigrants in our country and those still outside our country to gain citizenship through serving in the United States military. That being without the current rules in place that require a green card or having a social security number. This will help the shortage of people signing up for the military and give opportunities to those who truly love and want to be in our country. This would also allow service members to be able to bring their families over once they are legal citizens.


There should be an element of assimilation associated with this too. The military would change drastically if even 10% was made of immigrants or primarily spoke another language.


I agree with most of what you have said. Have a minimum of service time. 4 years?
There has to be some degree of assimilation to our country and have limits on “their families” to Dad, Mom, & kids, which also have to go through assimilation. Possibly extend it to parents & grandparents but not cousins, uncles, etc…


[No. Citizenship before military. Military requires unquestionable loyalty.]

If the immigrants in the country came here legally, then yes. But if not, then they broke the law, and no they cannot be trusted.
Those outside the country that request to join, sure. We have been doing that for decades, and my father worked with many great men in the military who became citizens through this process.
My father in law did so also. It would be a mistake to dismiss this reality.

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I like the idea of an path to citizenship for your family if you serve.