Mandatory Military Service for Immigrants

We should install a mandatory 4 year military service for all immigrants who want to become citizens. This policy would create and instill more national pride while serving a country they want to live in. It will help to reduce siphoning of our resources that should be used for citizens. All illegal immigrant should be taken and registered for service or they should be shipped back home. After 2 years of service we should consider bringing over their family. We should give an opportunity only to those wanting to serve!

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I believe mandatory military service shouldn’t be limited to immigrants seeking citizenship but should apply to all American men. In many cases, LEGAL immigrants have a deeper appreciation for America than those who are born here. Unfortunately, many in this generation are ungrateful and undisciplined. A requirement of 2 to 4 years of military service could instill a sense of responsibility, discipline, and purpose, producing the strong, reliable, REAL men our culture is currently lacking.

I can’t envision a military that I would want where the ranks were composed of criminals. Illegal criminal aliens need to be deported not offered any compromises or deals.