All immigrants that illegally entered the USA must serve 6 years in the military in a civil service capacity and their children must serve 4 years once they turn 18 in a civil service role. They will provide services to the military that protects their freedoms here. Otherwise, they can choose to go back to their country or origin if they are unwilling to show their appreciation.
I understand the idea of the proposal in having them give of themselves to the country in which they want citizenship but as someone who has served, the armed forces needs to be strengthened by those who want to be there, by committing to the war fighting mentality, not by those who are just bidding their time until they can leave. This is a strain on the military units and the American tax dollar. We have had an influx of those bidding their time already and it has made our forces weaker which is an injustice to the American people. There are better ways for them to earn citizenship legally and if they still choice to enlist after they gain citizenship, America will be proud to have them.