Child Education Preference

A Federal policy that would encourage a child being taught in a setting conducive to their parents beliefs through homeschooling. A family that homeschools their child would receive a tax benefit (or some kind of benefit) that would assist with that child’s education. A community based homeschooling (5 or more students from the same community being taught by 1 or more individuals at a local home) would receive assistance in food costs and reductions in home expenses such as poperty tax (which is theft anyway). Provided the meals provided are parent-approved and healthy, they can be deducted minus whatever the parents are doing to support them. Co-op meals (those grown or farmed with the assistance of the “school” and then used to help enhance meals for those students) would receive an enhanced credit from the program. Proof of natural means (organic, non-vaccinated, free range, etc.) get an even larger stipend. “Teacher” would be supplemented per student up to 10 as a “salary”, offset by donations by the parents whose students are taught. None of the benefits apply if any family member is denied the ability to know 100% of the curriculum or see inside the class at any time it’s in session.