Homeschool benefit

On the campaign, President Trump said he would give home schooling parents a $ 10,000 dollar a year benefit. This policy should be implemented to help offset the high cost of schooling at home. The school system is failing to provide a standard level of education for their students. At the same time, the schools in our town spend great amounts of money to build big extravagant school buildings with tax payer money, only to have sub standard teaching inside them.


I agree homeschooling families should be incentivized but we would have to be careful in how they are supplemented. A high outright payment could motivate families for the wrong reasons. Any school taxes should be given to the parents rather than the public school they do not attend. Any federal payments the school already receives per student should be redirected to families homeschooling their children. Even further, deductions on taxes for school expenses for homeschoolers such as learning materials and supplies and field trips.


They should at the very least get a tax break for having to pay taxes toward public schools and not using them, as well as the same exact benefits all public schoolers get. For example if the government sends out ebt cards for food, it should be for all children not just those registered in public school. If there are free haircuts, school supplies, programs, etc. all children should benefit regardless of how their parents decide to school them.


Absolutely! This ensures that education is put into the hands of Parents, where it needs to be. I support a revamping of the Home Schooling paradigm by actually creating a wholistic system that uses the Home Schooling philosophy and implementing the new Quantum Education System which is a new curriculum that takes out all of the nefarious, unimportant, propaganda filled, and tedious learning we have now as requirements for graduation. This 10,000 dollars can be used by Parents to select many various and wonderful learning experiences for their children while giving them an income supplement to help in their efforts to be there for their children. Time, transportation, and other choices Home Schooling parents make often require monetary support which many parents currently find difficult to come up with. Love the idea!


I don’t want the money if it comes with any additional oversight.


Exactly. If funding has strings, it’s the same system of leverage we have now. State and federal funding granted to education has rules those institutions must follow. And here in NY it’s a demonic, Godless curriculum meant to dumb down to the lowest intellect which sets the bar very low. We need to challenge students, we need the gifted and talented program as an option again. For now, homeschooling in NY is the best available option if you have capable teachers in the home or private school as long as they have a quality curriculum.


I totally agree that no strings be attached. Parents will be responsible for their childrens education. The state has failed. Unless they can get good quality teachers back in the classroom.

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If homeschoolers want public funds, I think at a minimum they should have to prove their kids are alive at reasonable intervals. Prove that kids are fed, clothed and housed. If the funds are high enough and the standards for funding are low enough, I can imagine situations where parents take their kids out of school with no intent to homeschool purely for the paycheck.

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Money should follow the child…rather it be public school, homeschool, private school, or my personal favorite, a private Classical Christian school.


Exactly! Parents and students in control! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Agreed! It would also be ideal to have an extention of President Trumps’s free online University available for all K-12 students and parents.
That way parents could be sure their children’s eatlier education was adequate for the American University.