Give families who homeschool some tax deductions. They pay for 100% of everything for their children’s education. Sometimes homeschool is the only option.
You are so right homeschooling is hard on a family and quite the struggle but very rewarding.
Allow for communities to set up homeschool classrooms where you hire your teachers, pick your curriculums, teach self-survival techniques, allow volunteers to come and teach trades, Give these classrooms incentives and funds to get started and to thrive. Make them tax exempt.
I’d like to see a $10K full tax credit for taxpayers who have a family member(s) who are using educational options other-than the public school system. As a grandparent of 5 home school grandkids, I’d love for my daughter’s family to be able to take the credit, as a grandparent, since the cost is greater than $10K, I’d like to be able to take the credit to help her. There are also Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Siblings who should be able to chip in. I’m not proposing a giveaway, receipts must be kept, and the credit would only extend to cover the costs.
In the United States, the average amount spent per public school student in fiscal year (FY) 2022 was $15,633. This was an 8.9% increase from the previous year, the largest percentage increase in over 20 years.
This is done through co-ops, but the opportunity for co-op funding should would be wonderful.
Not all states allow homeschool co-ops. I live in Wisconsin and ours is one such state.
The WHOLE point of Homeschool is to be INDEPENDENT.
I’d pay homeschooling parents as part of a “lifelong education voucher” concept.
Here some details how I would go about it: