Campaign Donations

Their should be a law on campaign donations. All donations are put in a pool and divided between candidates. This will produce fairness between candidates. Also, it will deter from any candidates being manipulated or bought by donors. In addition, you must reside in the state where you donate on the state level, Senate, and House.

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I agree with everything you’ve said except for putting it in a pool to be divided between candidates. If you want to donate to your candidate of choice, your money shouldn’t be split with the opposing candidate.

However, I do agree that there needs to be a lot of reform in the Campaign Donation space. Here are a few ideas:

  • MOST IMPORTANT: It should be illegal for corporations (or any businesses, special interest groups, non-profits, etc.) to donate to political candidates. Donations should only come from individuals.
  • (As above) You must reside in the state where you donate to state-level candidates. Key word here is reside - you can’t just own property in the state and still be able to donate. Basically, your voter registration indicates the state where you can donate.
  • You cannot make donations in another person’s name or using another person’s money. (Not sure how you’d police this but I can see dark money getting sneaky with this one if you limit it to individuals.)

I’m sure there are a few other things we can add but these are the first few things that come to mind.

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The rule that allowed PACS to donate money to individual candidates needs to be overturned. In addition, Trumps DOJ has to immediately go after ACTBLUE for money laundering including every candidate that received the laundered money. We have people that won elections illegally and they need to be removed.

There should for sure be more of a fair playing field. For the common man, that does not have a lot of resources and donors, have the same opportunity to get their campaign out there.

Each Canidate should have a website run by the state with their history and policies.

Essentially I think it should be public financed campaigns with equal time laws for media ads. I believe limited local campaign fund raising would be allowed so that candidates could get their names on the primary election ballots. The winners of the primaries should all get their campaign funds from a pool of money. The amount would be based on the office and the costs for that particular part of the country.