Political contributions

Only eligible registered voters can contribute to campaigns and candidates in which they are able to directly vote for.

No more outside interference. Stop corporate money and foreign money from influencing and buying politicians.

Your congress person should represent their district and the constituents that reside there. Only people who live in that district should be able to contribute to their campaign.

Your senators should represent your state. So only people who reside in that state should be able to contribute to senate campaigns.

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We should include union money in that as well. Especially government employee unions who will always support the politician who supports more wasteful spending. Contributions should only be by indiviuals.

Change the financing of political campaigns to the following: Only private individuals who live (min 60% of the time) within the political district the candidate will be representing are allowed to contribute to the campaign. This means that no corporation, union, special interest group, PAC, party organization, lobby, etc can contribute. There should also be a limit on how much can be contributed within a twelve-month period, say $5,000. Two things will happen. First, the candidate will need to meet the demands of the people they will represent, not groups that can bring in the money and in effect “buy” influence. Second, campaigns will be less costly to run because there will not be an abundance of money to run them. This will allow good candidates to run who have been held back because of the cost.
To illustrate, if the person is running for Congress, only people who live within the congressional district can contribute. If the person is running for the Senate, then people who live within the State can contribute.