Ban on Dual Citizens in Government

Official Office/Aid Eligibility Requirements

Any Individual seeking to work in the United States Government must meet the following Requirements
*This includes as Aids/Advisors to Officials

  1. Born in the United States
  2. Must not have resided outside the United States for a period totaling more than 1 year prior to reaching 18 years of age
  3. Must Hold Sole Citizenship in the United States
  4. Must not have resided Outside of the United States for a period totaling more than 3 years

Terminology Clarification

Reside: If the time is in excess of One seven day week within a 30 day period it is considered Residing.


Amen! This is imperative to the sanctity of our nation .


The problem is verifying. Who will verify? Obummer and several others in office completely lied about their foreign status.


OMG I didn’t even know people could have dual citizenship in our official or government jobs! WHAT?! Heck no! Don’t allow that!


Extend these requirements to anyone attempting to lobby or exert influence over the government of the United States.


I get your point. Dual Citizenship isn’t a problem unless you work, for example, in the State Department. If your child became a State Department employee handling US/South American trade relations I see a problem.


I see no problem with letting someone who went through to process to become a citizen hold elected office. Banning dual citizens could create an apartheid type system that wouldn’t reflect what our country was founded for, a melting pot of many nations. I would be for a minimum number of years being citizen someone would have to have in order to be eligible to hold office.

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We shall not limit it to specific portions of our Government. Government as a whole is the scope of this policy. “Government Employee/Elected Official”

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Nobody who has or has had dual citizenship should ever be allowed in any government position.

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This is common sense and never should have been allowed to begin with. Definitely an issue!


I think it’s vital to clearly see the importance of loyalty to the people of the United States when determining qualifications for federal government positions. Specifying loyalty to the people over loyalty to the government is important…Lincoln’s idea of government Of the People, By the People, For the People…and therefore government Loyal TO the People.

Maintaining citizenship in another country while holding US citizenship reveals a divided heart, a conflict of interests, a clear possibility of disloyalty to the US. It’s ok for a regular citizen, but not for US Government.

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This is of vital import, without this you will soon not have a country but a vassal state to Israel.

Agreed…how is it that all these dual citizens have been placed in our government. I don’t remember voting for this or them

This should not be remotely controversial. It being so is indicative of its necessity. There is zero reason why anyone responsible for making decisions for our future should be allowed to have a Plan B should their decisions not pan out.

Also no foreign governments or body representing foreign governments should be allowed to lobby PERIOD

While you’re at it make Israel register as a foriegn agent.

Especially Israel, but also British. Israel has a tendency to slide into the pentagon budget where we can’t see them. They think they’re a special case and don’t have to register as agents of a foreign country acting in the best interest of a different country over ours. Israel is a foreign country.

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Disagree. If they have US citizenship already, then that means they already demonstrated a degree of loyalty to the USA already. Any US citizen willing to swear an oath to protect and serve the constitution should be eligible for serving in federal office, so long as they meet the other requirements to do so.


100% support this. Dual loyalties should be banned outright.

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I would like to go a step further and suggest that elected officials should swear their oaths with a bible. If they can’t place their hand on a bible then they should not be allowed to hold an office. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God…” Not Muhammed, Not Allah.