Ban on Dual Citizens in Government

I think it should also state that if someone is not a U.S Citizen, then they should be automatically disqualified from any sort of federal, state, or position of trust position.


Should be defined at birth before a SS# is give

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I donā€™t think the issue is with citizens who are dual citizens. However, there should be a sub bullet in their position that states ā€œany concern for promoting a foreign country over the American people and American well being will be immediately suspended from office and investigated.ā€

Yes, foreign policy is important. Yes we can help and give aid to foreign nations. But the priority is the concern. The American People MUST come first.


Same applies to Vivek Ramaswamy as well. Neither of Vivekā€™s parents were citizens at his birth.

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I feel countries that do have mandatory service should be included, as they could be on an infiltration mission. We should not take any chances with those.

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No one can serve two masters!


Further I would suggest no citizen can serve any federal office without first being a full citizen for at least 10 years. This allows immigrants to serve but give them time to acquire a full understanding of the government that they will serve.

I think it should be their children who are able to run, as long as the parents became citizens prior to their birth. Those who acquired citizenship shouldnā€™t be able to at all, because their country of origin might be playing the long game with a 10 year plan to install citizens to influence laws and policies in that countryā€™s favor. Sleepers are a thing.

If thatā€™s too harsh then I propose they should have x amount of years experience with their local governments before they could be considered for federal positions.

I certainly donā€™t feel they should hold any office. Illhan Omar is a perfect example of a foreigner coming over, gaining citizenship and turning their district into their home country. Too risky.


Dural citizenship implies, dual loyalty thus conflict of interest.


How did the person get dual citizenship?

My father was American, my grandfather fought in WWII [Pacific theater, US Navy]

My mother is Brazilian - I can, and have, passed on Brazilian citizenship to my kids

This proposal sounds a whole lot like Japanese internment camps - just a bad way to go


Current case law indicates that a person born in the USA is a ā€œnatural born citizenā€, and the term does not require that the parents also be citizens at the time of the childā€™s birth. Kamala Harris was born in Oakland California, and by the current standard, is a naturally born citizen of the US. If a policy were proposed and passed that created a more stringent definition of ā€œnatural born citizenā€ that also required that the parents be citizens, Iā€™d fully support that policy, but that isnā€™t the case currently.

Ask people like Sec. Anthony Blinken who holds citizenship of USA and Israel at the same time. Double agent.


I dont think anyone who has had or currently has a dual citizenship with another country should be allowed to work in government state, local or federal. It should be American citizens only.


Yes this

This is a must. America 1st!


Amen! I totally agree. You can be a dual citizen to live in the U.S. But not serve in the Executive, Legislative or Judicial Branches, nor be appointed as judge in the Federal courts.


Likely also, for Governors, and also for federal Congress and state Legislaturesā€¦ ?

Our foreign policy in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia should not be run by people who have ties to those regions. Those who work in the White House, State Department, and CIA should be concerned about American national interests and not promote some alien cause or grudge they are emotionally attached to.

Not just in government but all government related roles. Contractors to local, state and federal roles. Think tanks, and donors, political public relations, and basically everything else

I canā€™t :heart: this enough! Absolutely crazy that this is allowed.

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