High Fructose Corn Syrup is very dangerous for our consumption and should be banned from any and all foods/drinks we consume. This change will help with our nationwide health crisis. There is no reason it is used in so many of our food choices, such as breads. Please look into an expert on the dangers by the name of Vinnie Tortorich. He has written books and made movies about the health problems in our country and are easily corrected by removing sugar consumption from our diets. High Fructose Corn Syrup is in almost everything an average American consumes.
I agree, I personally find it incredibly hard not to find something without HFCS so much so I am dejected from finding alternatives
Absolutely agree on Fructose, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Natural Flavorings, Carmel Color, et. al. Wreaks havoc on the body’s digestive system—all systems—and over time produces severe intolerance, whereby the person cannot even eat natural sources such as apples, pears, oranges, et. al. that also contain rich nutrients. A national tragedy. f
While I agree HFCS is a poison, I don’t necessarily agree to ban it. I would say remove it from a safe foods list and include this into a larger campaign to change how we educate people about food.
If the food makers want to use it they must say they do and the people can decide.
High fructose corn syrup has the same chemical makeup of any simple sugar. We do not need to focus on adding regulations. If you prefer not to consume it, then don’t buy products that have it.
I wholeheartly agree. No reason for it to exist honestly. Its unhealthy, and we have better options. Thank you for this.
Absolutely. We need to adopt how the EU approves and allows what goes into food.
The fact that organic costs more is crazy!
You need to realize by doing this, the cost of items that use this product and subsequent products will rise dramatically.
Yes please