There are some states/cities/HOAs that don’t allow people to grow food wherever they want, whether on their front lawn, their backyard, or in containers on their apartment terrace, and people should be allowed to grow food on their own property at any time no matter where it’s planted.
I would also expand this to small livestock, such as meat rabbits and chickens (hens, not necessarily roosters).
All Americans should have the right to grow their own food if they have the space and desire to do so.
I would add a clause to this with the right to sell food grown or produced at home. Something similr to this in california (a few things are done right there!) → California Legalized Selling Food Made At Home And Created Over A Thousand Local Businesses
Including roosters.
Great idea! And also add eggs to this.
100% agree! I only get full sun in my front yard. I started my garden out front and the city quickly stopped by and told me I wasnt allowed to put it in my front yard. The pots needed to go on my porch and the rest in the back yard. Both places that I dont get full sun. And I live in a non-HOA neighborhood. Its not acceptable. If I want to grow food for my family in the front yard I should be able to.