Farm Your Yard: Empowering Homeowners to Keep Chickens and Grow Gardens

Imagine being able to step outside your door, gather fresh eggs, and pick organic produce from your very own yard. “Farm Your Yard” is a proposed policy aimed at granting homeowners the freedom to cultivate a more sustainable lifestyle—one that includes raising a small number of chickens and growing a garden, regardless of HOA restrictions.

Here’s why we believe every homeowner should have this choice:

  1. Fresh, Healthy Food: Backyard chickens provide fresh eggs with higher nutritional value than most store-bought options. Paired with a home garden, this policy encourages access to fresh, organic food for families, contributing to a healthier lifestyle.

  2. Environmental Benefits: By reducing reliance on commercially produced eggs and produce, we can lower our reliance on industrial farming. Home-raised chickens reduce the need for intensive farming, while home gardens foster biodiversity by supporting native plants and pollinators.

  3. Educational Value: For families with children, caring for chickens and cultivating a garden teaches responsibility, connection to nature, and a deeper understanding of food sources—priceless lessons in today’s screen-centric world.

  4. Cost Savings: In an economy where grocery prices are rising, home food production can save money. A small flock of hens and a modest garden provide sustainable savings on grocery bills.

  5. Community Resilience: When people produce their own food, communities become more resilient. This policy could encourage small-scale, local food production, making communities more self-sufficient and better prepared for supply chain disruptions.

The “Farm Your Yard” initiative respects property owners’ rights to use their land productively and sustainably. Let’s work together to make homegrown food an option for every family, and give homeowners the freedom to farm their yards!


Yes! I love this and had similar ideas! We should give incentives toward these costs. Great way to get people outside and working!


Great idea- excellent use of space.


Love this idea!


Yes! Growing our own food is a basic human right! Same applies to raw milk, although most neighbors in cities aren’t going to want a cow so chickens must be allowed in any capacity while cows should be reserved for those with 1+ acres of land.


I love this idea! Another added benefit is to learn how to save your own seeds and share them with others. Increasing biodiversity and self sufficiency.


As well as collecting rain water!!


“A well regulated chicken coop, being necessary to the nurturing of a healthy State, the right of the people to keep and rear chickens, shall not be infringed.”


:joy::joy: awesome


Agree. Laws will have to be changed in some areas in order for this to happen. Some neighborhoods are not allowed certain animals such as chickens. In addition, collection of rainwater should be made legal where it’s not allowed.


People should have a limited number of chickens depending on how much space they have. One have to think about the health of the backyard chikens too.


The core of the idea is great. However most of these things are already legal in most municipalities in a variety of capacities.
So what would make this thing take flight is a tax incentive. No tax on homesteading materials, supplies and livestock.


This is a great idea! The quality of the food will be much better. Most of the food in the supermarket is overprocessed junk! It’s all about the Benjamins! People can use growing methods that don’t use toxic chemicals! The best thing would be if the government keeps their nose out of it!


I think that HOA rules typically are the trouble too. If there were a law that superseded that ability for them to prohibit small livestock it would be helpful too


We need to find a way where we can have roosters but stop them from crowing as it disturbs the peace.


The rooster debacle is a tough one, but not insurmountable. Having roosters in your yard can be rewarding despite the noise. They help protect your hens, add personality to your flock, and their crowing can be just as charming (or annoying!) as a dog’s bark. Roosters usually crow around dawn, so it’s pretty predictable—and for many, it’s just part of the backyard farming experience. With the right approach, their benefits easily outweigh the noise.


Personally, I would ban all HOAs from existing lol


Defund the HOA


Absolutely !!!


However, it should not usurp existing homeowner regulations. Let the homeowners associations vote on the new laws and decide for themselves. We have two people who do this in our neighborhood now. One does a pretty good job with maintaining his responsibilities to the neighbors and the other, is a mess.