This is more for people that live within town limits where municipal code doesn’t allow for certain things to grow your own food. It should be the constitutional right to grow your own food if you so choose. This would be no limits on what legal and non invasive food crops you can grow as long as you are staying on your own property and not directly harming the property of another. As for raising livestock, you would have to meet a certain land requirement to be able to have certain species. That way if you have less than an acre that obviously can’t support cattle, then you are limited in that aspect. However, if you have that much land you should be able to raise a couple of chickens or meat rabbits or the like without having to worry about code enforcement showing up and forcing you to get rid of them.
This would allow for people in town to grow gardens in their front yard if they want. That would allow for better community relations between neighbors and, if enough people did that, could help people that can’t afford to eat to be able to reach out to their neighbors for some produce to get them by.
This is a feel good idea that’s easy to agree with.
Sadly we need less Federal oversight, not more.
I would recommend you get your local government straightened out, instead of appealing to a higher Government to solve your problems for you.
BTW, I find the idea of a government harassing anyone about their garden totally repulsive.
If you’re complaining because you signed a contract with a homeowner’s association, that won’t let you grow corn in your front yard, then maybe you should start reading the things you sign, before you sign them.
I wonder if this should also override HOA’s too. There are so many restrictions in a lot of those neighborhoods but at the same time, buyers go into them knowing what they’re getting into.
One would think there’d be no need to claim this right. Growing, raising and eating your own food I’d contend falls within “pursuit of happiness.” Claiming and defending that right is a different story, as is with many others.
I understand what you are saying but when the government is corrupt at a low level, like city council, where they are taking your rights away. The next level has to get involved. That’s the purpose of oversight. Unfortunately for years little government has been able to do whatever they see fit. The corruption trickles down. Each level of oversight is corrupt. In Springboro Ohio, this is a factor, you are not allowed to have certain animals on your property, to include chickens. It’s not an HOA issue. And frankly why is and HOA allowed to create little laws to restrict the people.
These are inalienable rights, given to us by God, and cannot be taken away, or regulated, by man.
Know who you are - a living being in your natural state, on land of sustenance, standing under God- and stand in that knowing. That’s the path to true freedom.