Abolish Family Court Completely

The family court across America has been wasting money, purposefully dragging out cases so judges can build their own empire all to destroy Americans. enriching themselves through coercion, exploitation, ripping families apart, traumatizing kids and innocent americans through denial of due process sometimes for 10 to 20 years. They are completely uncheck for decades and the entire family court needs to be leveled. Family court issues should be run by parents who can choose to vote each other in as judges with a jury trial with public free livestreaming or if that option isn’t available due to a small population it should be moved to small claims court with public free livestreaming. This part of the government, family court, serves no purpose and is a complete waste of the taxpayer money and people’s time. It’s time to get rid of Family court completely because it tramples on the constitution. Family court judges are treasonous and forgot they are public servants while using taxpayer money to abuse its own citizens. It’s time to end this part of the government and put our tax money towards something else that is meaningful for Americans.


Yes family courts harming children and destroying livies , judges have a god complex and putting theyre interest above the child’s