Family Court Reform/Corruption

Protect Our inalienable human Rights and Freedoms by The Constitution and not become a victim of family court abuse and alienation of our children. Investigate family court fraud and abuse to parents and children. Reparations for parents and children who have been targeted by the family court system and reunification of their children. Stop giving abusers custody and not make family court a BANK for attorneys and Judges! Our Children are NOT for sale!!
We know! We Say No!!


Audit and abolish family courts.
End judicial immunity for judges and all servants of the Court.

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#barbarastone Liberty #civilrights #reformfamIlycourt #metoofamilycourt

The family court system isn’t far off from the government we shed ourselves from 250 years ago. When judges and attorneys are stealing money from children, traumatizing them, and micromanaging their existence, it’s THEIR liberties that are being destroyed.



I’m sorry for whatever the system has done to you.

Litigation abuse is also a huge problem.

I created a google doc summarizing my top concerns with the family/DV/child support (and criminal justice) system, primarily as it relates to protective mothers/women, along with my links.

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I would suggest disbanding CPS, and essentially move that function to the law enforcement department. Crimes of abuse and neglect should be investigated by trained cops who specialize in family issues. This would mean that these allegations would be investigated and determined based on FACTS, with less family court bias.

I agree that we need to get the government out of family issues as much as possible. At the same time, we do need some way to resolve disputes between biological parents when there are major concerns involved. It needs to be simplified and would be better if we weren’t enriching all these lawyers and legal professionals in the process.

I wish that parents had the ability to make enforceable custody arrangements with law enforcement (instead of having to go thru family court). Access to a co-parenting coach, who can advise on developmentally/age-appropriate visitation schedules would help (instead of these overpaid mediators and lawyers). An agreement that if the visiting parent tries to keep the child away from the primary parent, the cop can intervene and fine the violating parent. I have a lot more ideas and thoughts on that; obviously there’s more to it.