Abolish Zoning Restrictions

We must abolish zoning restrictions to revitalize the great American city. Why is it that the government controls what I can do with MY land?! Zoning restrictions are dictated by Blackrock lobbyists to grow their REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIOS! I do not see any benefit to our current zoning restrictions other than those seen by speculative land investors like Vanguard, George Soros, Chinese investors, and Blackrock. This is why our cities are so expensive to live in and riddled with crime and homeless people.


Hear, hear! I completely agree and posted a similar arguement. Many Americans own our property outright and would like to (in our unending pursuit of happiness) build a business which can contribute to the revitalization of America; however, these property owners are hand-cuffed by zoning restrictions that forbid or restrict the use of that private property for no other reason than government control. Ie: building and running a business on personal private property that is zoned “Agricultural”, and where the county govt controls what happens on that private property. To say that this is not a federal issue, but a state/local issue is absurd, because the property owner and his personal property is ALREADY protected by the Constitution. Thus, the state/local zoning laws are NULL and VOID from the start - since they are repugnant to Constitutional Law (the supreme law of the land). Federal actions CAN and SHOULD be taken against states who discriminate against property owners of the pursuit of the “American Dream” on their own private and constitutionally-protected property.

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