December 1, 2024, 2:51pm
Brandon Hayes:
Chronic Childhood Illnesses: Investigate the alarming rise in childhood health issues, from autism to allergies, by establishing an independent commission to identify environmental, dietary, and pharmaceutical causes.
End Pandemic Overreach: Address pandemic-era restrictions on health freedom by preventing new mandates and promoting individual medical autonomy.
Veteran Homelessness and Support: Redirect resources to end homelessness among veterans by reallocating funds currently spent on illegal immigration.
No Gender Insanity in Medicine: Enact prohibitions on gender-transition procedures for minors and restrict medical institutions promoting unproven treatments.
This needs to include Alternative Care Providers who treat patients successfully but are often discriminated against because they are not tied to or not as tied to Pharm. They start with the philosphy of least invasive to most invasive. These include Functional Neurology Chiropractic Physicians, Functional Medicine/Integrative/Internal Medicine Chiropractic Physicians and Naturopathic Doctors.
I would also encourge looking at this:
State Scopes of Practice and Insurance policies including Medicare and Medicaid may not be able to restrict or limit the scope of practice of a Doctorate level provider who has received a 5 year didactic equivalent. All Boards, Scopes, Insurance policies or similar regulating bodies must recognize in the scope of practice and in the definition the broadest practice provided to the profession by their education and continuing education. Healthcare Providers are educated and see patients pior to…
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