Too many times I have heard the term "Mandatory Overtime". We are told that overtime is a free choice, and regulated, yet this topic of Mandatory Overtime is far too often heard in many job settings. Employer abuse is a real thing that is affecting the health both mentally and physically of many Americans. Combined with our food, our bodies are deteriorating as well as our mental health. In many cases to save money on labor rates, employers will skimp on the amount of personnel required to safely perform tasks. This can lead to overexertion when lifting heavy objects, and sometimes severe physical strain as well as mental strain. Many employers will fearmonger their employees into performing these tasks with threats that may result in termination. This abuse needs to stop. It is counterproductive for long term employment as well as results. This abuse also renders a decline in quality of life. Many other countries also mandate nearly whole month paid vacation time, as well as paid personal days. This results in higher productivity, and company loyalty. These abusive companies take advantage of an employee's lack of preparation in providing proof of the abuse.
Abstract Proposal:
1: Reduce the 40-hour work week to 30 hours allowing for a 4th shift thus
increasing the quality-of-life outside work, and creating new positions for
employment for the additional shifts.
2: Mandate Vacations greater than the standard 2 weeks that are currently
3: Legal backing to battle against employment abuse.
There is a lot of research that needs done, and this is merely an example, but something surely needs to be done to reduce the suffering. Retirement isn't retirement if you are worked into the ground, and unable to enjoy your retirement due to health conditions that arose from years of employment. In the current state, employment is nothing more than paid slavery, or slavery under the viscid of freedom. The only flaw I see with this example proposal is providing equality to both employer and employee, as well as policing these issues without removing freedom.