Voter-Mandated Recall for Federal Bureaucratic Accountability

Implement a voter-mandated recall process requiring immediate Congressional or Presidential action upon reaching a threshold of public demand. This process would ensure that unelected federal bureaucrats are held accountable through direct citizen oversight, with Congress or the President obligated to respond swiftly to citizen-driven recall petitions.

  • Mandatory Congressional Vote: Once a recall petition reaches a set threshold, Congress or the President must immediately hold a vote on the removal of the targeted bureaucrat, ensuring that citizen demands for accountability are addressed without delay.
  • Transparency and Justification Requirement: The agency involved must release all relevant documentation and justifications for the official’s actions, allowing both Congress and the public to make informed decisions.
  • Impartial Review Process: An independent board will verify the validity of recall petitions to prevent abuse, ensuring genuine concerns of bureaucratic overreach are addressed.

This structure would empower citizens to demand accountability while upholding republican principles, requiring elected officials to act on behalf of the people when federal agents operate outside their mandate.